CoO, Co3O4 and CoOOH
Spectra for Cobalt (Co)

By: Yao Yang
Microscope: Nion UltraSTEM (100 keV)
Energy Resolution: 0.5 eV
Note: The energy axis of the Co edge has been calibrated using dual EELS map.
Ref: Yang, PNAS, 2019, 116, 24425
By: Yao Yang
Microscope: Nion UltraSTEM (100 keV)
Energy Resolution: 0.5 eV
Note: The energy axis of the Co edge has been calibrated using dual EELS map.
Ref: Yang, PNAS, 2019, 116, 24425
By: Peter Ercius
Microscope: FEI Tecnai F20
Energy Resolution: 0.6 eV