MgB4O7 Spectra for Oxygen (O) O in MnO, Mn3O4 and Mn2O3O in CoO, Co3O4 and CoOOHOxide MgOMgB4O7Amorphous Silica (SiO2): Bulk and Interfacial Thin FilmCuprous Oxide (Cu2O)Cupric Oxide (CuO) By: Judy Cha @ Cornell University Microscope: FEI Tecnai T20 Note: This is from a MgB4O7 bulk powder. The first peak at 530 eV is molecular oxygen being released from the powder, which is a sign that it is being damaged.
By: Judy Cha @ Cornell University
Microscope: FEI Tecnai T20
Note: This is from a MgB4O7 bulk powder. The first peak at 530 eV is molecular oxygen being released from the powder, which is a sign that it is being damaged.