Ni L2,3 Edge in NixAl intermetallics. The first peak in the L3 edge at ~852 eV reflects empty d-states. The total area under the curve for all of the Ni L edges remains unchanged as the Ni site remains neutral in these metals. Instead the band broadens due to increased Ni-d/Al-p hybridization.
By: David Muller
Microscope: VG HB 501UX STEM
Reference: “Connections Between the Electron Energy Loss Spectra, the Local Electronic Structure and the Physical Properties of a Materials: A Study of Nickel Aluminum Alloys,” D. A. Muller, D. J. Singh and J. Silcox. Phys. Rev. B. 57, 8181 (1998).
By: David Muller
Microscope: VG HB 501UX STEM
Reference: “Connections Between the Electron Energy Loss Spectra, the Local Electronic Structure and the Physical Properties of a Materials: A Study of Nickel Aluminum Alloys,” D. A. Muller, D. J. Singh and J. Silcox. Phys. Rev. B. 57, 8181 (1998).