
By: Peter Ercius and Jerome Hyun Microscope: VG HB 501UX STEM Energy Resolution: 0.73 eV

By: Peter Ercius and Jerome Hyun Microscope: VG HB 501UX STEM Energy Resolution: 0.73 eV

By: Peter Ercius and Jerome Hyun Microscope: VG HB 501UX STEM Energy Resolution: 0.73 eV

By: Peter Ercius and Jerome Hyun Microscope: VG HB 501UX STEM Energy Resolution: 0.73 eV Note: The energy axis of the Cu edge has been calibrated to the values reported by Leapman et al. in the paper: R.D. Leapman, L.A. Grunes, P.L. Fejes, Phys. Rev. B. 26, 614 (1982)

By: Yao Yang Microscope: Nion UltraSTEM (100 keV) Energy Resolution: 0.5 eV Note: The energy axis of the Mn edge has been calibrated using dual EELS map. Ref: Yang, PNAS, 2019, 116, 24425

By: Peter Ercius and Huolin Xin Microscope: VG HB 501UX STEM Energy Resolution: 0.8eV

By: Peter Ercius and Huolin Xin Microscope: FEI Tecnai T20 Energy Resolution: 0.8eV

By: Peter Ercius Microscope: FEI Tecnai F20 Energy Resolution: 0.6 eV

By: Peter Ercius Microscope: VG HB 501UX STEM Energy Resolution: 0.52eV

By: Lena Fitting Kourkoutis Microscope: FEI Tecnai T20 Energy Resolution: 1.0eV